How to:

Register a new account

From the main page, hover over the “Account” link in the upper right hand corner of the page, then select Register. (The user and the trainer each have to do this separately, but only once.)

Screenshot showing the register button

Start a new training session

From the main page, click on “New Session” under the page title.

Go back to the TicTrainer™ main page from another page on

Click on the “Tt” button in the upper left hand corner

Log in

From the main page, hover over the “Account” link in the upper right hand corner of the page, then select Log In. (The user and the trainer each have to do this separately before each session.)

Use only one device for both user and trainer

(not recommended if you have access to two devices)

Open two browser windows, one for the user and one for the trainer, but one of the windows will have to use a “guest,” “incognito” or “private” session or a different browser program.